Select a category and then a letter. Click your chosen headword for a concordance ordered by County and Estate.

Note that the General Glossary is selected by default: here we present the correspondences between the LangScape headword and the headwords in selected dictionaries (see Abbreviations); your search criteria will match with any of these. The display also shows how we have treated ‘compounds’ (eg. under ‘burh’, you will see that ‘burhware’ is treated as one LangScape headword but ‘eorþ+burg’ as two).

OE Dictionaries
PN Elements
Comments See also ‘compounds’
ra roe Includes PnEl's ra, rah- rah+hege
*racu - racu hollow, stream
rad rād rād riding
ragge1 - ragge stone
*ragge2 - *ragge moss Mentioned under ragge
ramm ramm ramm ram
*ran - *rān balk
rand rand rand edge
rædan rǣdan - to direct
ræde rǣde *rǣde riding
ræden rǣden rǣden provision wuduræden : mædræden
ræge rǣge rǣge roe-deer
ræw rǣw rǣw row Includes also some ge- prefixed forms hege+ræw
read rēad rēad red readleaf
readleaf rēadlēaf - red-leaved
(ge)reþru (ge)rēþru - oars
rica rīca - ruler
ridan rīdan - to ride
(ge)riht (ge)riht riht direct, true Adjectival; cp. (ge)rihte (adv.)
(ge)rihtan (ge)rihtan - to instruct
(ge)rihte rihte : gerihte : rihtes - straight, true Adverbial; cp. (ge)riht (adj.)
rihtgemære rihtgemǣre - true/direct boundary
rihtlandgemære rihtlandgemǣre - true land boundary
rihtlandscearu - - true/direct land boundary
rima rima rima rim
*rimuc - *rimuc edge
rind rind - bark
*rinde - *rind(e) ridge
*rip - rip(p) strip
*ripel - *ripel strip of land
risc risc risc rush
risciht risciht - rushy
*riscuc - *riscuc rush-bed
riþ rīþ rīþ stream Includes also some ge- prefixed forms. See also Gelling&Cole under rith
riþig rīþig rīþig streamlet See also Gelling&Cole under rithig
rod rōd rōd cross, gallows *rod+stan : wearg+rod
rodd rodd rodd(e) rod Includes also rodde
*rodu - *rod : *roþ linear clearing, ride Also discussed in Gelling&Cole under rodu and *roth cocc+rod(u)
(ge)rowan (ge)rōwan - to row
ruh rūh rūh rough
rum1 rūm2 rūm1 space, extent Note that rum1 in PnEl is rum2 in CH and vice versa
rum2 rūm1 rūm2 spacious Note that rum2 in PnEl is rum1 in CH and vice versa
*ryde - *rӯd clearing
ryding hryding *ryding clearing hryding in CH but likely to be under ryding in DOE
ryge ryge ryge rye
rygen rygen rygen rye-grown
*ryþer - *ryþer clearing