Select a category and then a letter. Click your chosen headword for a concordance ordered by County and Estate.

Note that the General Glossary is selected by default: here we present the correspondences between the LangScape headword and the headwords in selected dictionaries (see Abbreviations); your search criteria will match with any of these. The display also shows how we have treated ‘compounds’ (eg. under ‘burh’, you will see that ‘burhware’ is treated as one LangScape headword but ‘eorþ+burg’ as two).

OE Dictionaries
PN Elements
Comments See also ‘compounds’
ic ic - I
idel īdel īdel worthless
iegeþ iggaþ ēgeþ eyot
ifig īfig īfig ivy
ifiht īfiht - ivy-covered
ig īg : īeg ēg island, water meadow ieg in CH but likely to be ig in DOE. See also Gelling&Cole under eg igland
igil igil igil leech?
igland īgland : īegland ēg-land island iegland in CH but likely to be igland in DOE
ilca ilca - same
ilfetu ilfetu elfitu swan
imbe imbe imbe bee-swarm
impa impa impa sapling
in in in in, to inland : innan : in_on : in_to
*infyrde - - ford entrance
-ing -ing -ing : -ing- -ing (many senses) Comprises PnEls -ing (including -ing1-4); see also -ingas
ingan ingān - to enter
-ingas - -ingas people See also -ing
inland inland inland in-land
innan innan - to, into
inne inne - in, inside
in_on in + on - to, into
in_to in + tō - to, into
*inwic - - inner farm
inwudu inwudu - in-wood
isen īsen īsern iron
iw īw īw yew
yldra yldra : ieldra - ancestor ieldra in CH but likely to be yldra in DOE
yrfe yrfe : ierfe - bequest ierfe in CH but likely to be yrfe in DOE
yrnan yrnan : iernan - to run iernan in CH but likely to be yrnan in DOE; LS headword includes also (ge)rinnan