• : Sawyer 80, MS 3: London, British Library, Lansdowne 447
  • : Evesham
  • : Worcestershire
  • : Evesham lands [1]
  • : 5

Imprimis a twyford ex parte Australi usque in Cronchomme iuxta decursum fluminis ambitus loci protrahitur ác inde iuxta aquam usque ad diuisionem terre de Fledenburghe1 que merdic appellatur et sic in directum per assensum montis per medium Eáldegerám ad eáldánswinhagán2 ab Saldan3swin4 hágán ad Beolágásele5 a Beolágásete in Mordcnel6 ex quo per Lenchedune usque ad diuisiones terrarum de Lenche7 et de Heruentoná in Wennem8 cumbe inde per Fulanbroc usque in Hármeruille ab hármewille in Cárkeforde ac inde in Calkewille et sic in longum Riuuli usque in Smálemorsihee , ac inde in Auenám et sic in offepol ab offepol in Pickershome9 a pickersham in Burchlinches a linceon10 in Oleden11 dune in Ealdemixán ex quo in Buggildestreete a Buggilstreete in Semástond12 ac inde in Chirchtuge in Flitágeren13 et sic in Blákenpyte14 , a parte Orientali non longe a Blákenpite in Mirchirnám a Merchirnám15 in huniburnám ,16 ex quo per Northánmere17 in Eashámmo inde in circuitu prati de Poddeho dehinc in Poddehammore `a Podeshomme´18 et sic Heriane19 hale iterum in Huni20 burnā , in longum reuulii usque ad Stanithan21 ford iterum in Buggildestreete uersus Scenendūe ac inde in Meadebroc a Meádebroc22 in Merdich et sic in winburnám a winburnā in Leállesthorn · a Leállesthorn in Láuerkebeorche23 a24 a Láuerkebeorch in Poddesha<ḿ>e sic in `in Polthorne a Polthorne in Merebrooke´25 Stanithanhillessiche a Siche in Burghwillon , a Burwill26 in Burhwálles ac inde in Eáldegáre , quod indigene , Nánesma<ń>eslond uocant secus Buggildstreete ex quo a parte Occidentali usque ad Beorges a Beorges in Pichestán a Pichestán in Cádeminster a Cádemynster in Blechemere a Blechmere in Brasedestán a Bracedestán in Eáldegorám in willerseie a willerseie in Sandbroc ex quo in Hegwaie et sic in Northo<ḿ>e a Northomme sic in Brerthirnám de hinc in hecanhege ab heca`n´hege27 in Báddeswillon a wille in Litlethyrnán a Thirnán per Piccedesho in Prestmeáde ac inde in merethorne28 in Brádemere a Brádmere in Estmereslewe inde in Potticot in Thirtieácre et sic in Riggemere a Rigcwere29 in Meredic per Meredic in wádeburge a Berge in Lightmeáde , Iterum per meredic in Esánburnám ab Esanburnā iterum in Meredic30 deinde in wrethmeáde et sic in Merebroc per Mere31 broc usque ad Dámnipol ex quo in Allebeorge ab állesbeorge in Merwillon a Mirwill iterum in Auenám


Hook above 'g' of unclear purpose
The first letter looks more like an unusual form of 'b', rather than 'h', and the accent looks more llike a suspension stroke
But written as 'ni', with dot on 'i'
Clearly written as '-le', not '-te'
Sic: clear 'M', clear 'e'
Catchwords: 'usque et': first word crossed out and second word in slightly darker ink, later hand
3 minims, no dots
'o' altered from 'á' in the main hand
Probably 'o', but it has an extra loop which makes it look a bit like 'e'
Presumably 'O', but it has a long stroke from the bottom not unlike 'Q'
There are roughly 3 characters crossed out at this point, presumably by the main scribe
It looks as if the scribe wrote 'd' and then 't' on top, or vice versa
Looks like 'y' on 'i', or vice versa
'M' perhaps corrected from 'm' by main copyist
There are hairline strokes all over the place, but this one seems fairly clearly a comma
Three minims joined at bottom, then two joined at top; but 'n' and 'm' can be joined at the bottom in this hand
Written in the margin in a hand of ?s. xviii, keyed into the text with a caret ^; same hand as other marginal insertion, below
'i' written over the top of 'e'? in main hand
But written as 'in'
'sta' + 3 minims + slightly odd 't'
'l' changed to 'c' by main scribe?
'be' altered from 'br' by main scribe
Crossed out, probably by main scribe
Addition in margin, in hand of ?s.xviii, keyed into the text with an asterisk; same hand as other marginal insertion, above; sic repetition of 'in'
But the abbreviation stroke is placed more over the 'i'
Added just above cue-height, between 'a' and 'h', probably in the main hand
Final 'e' a bit blurry and lighter, but probably poor ink or drop of water rather than attempted erasure
Sic: '-mere' and '-were' both clear
Sic: no final 'h'
Loop from hook of second 'e'; looks a bit like an abbreviation stroke?