- : Sawyer 80, MS 2: London, British Library, Harley 358
- : Evesham
- : Worcestershire
- : Evesham lands [1]
- : 5
In primis a Twyforde1 ex parte australi usque in Cro<ń>chomme2 iuxta decursum fluminis ambitus loci protrahitur , ac inde iuxta aquam , usque ad diuisionem terre de fledenburgh’ , que Merdic appellatur , et sic in directum per ascensum montis per medium Ealdegaran ad Ealdanswinhagan · ab eadem swinhagán3 , ad Beolagasete , a Beolagasete in nordcnol , ex quo per Lenchdune usque ad diuisiones terrarum de Lench’ , et de heruertona in wennecumbe , Inde per fulembroc usque in harmewille · Ab harewille in Carkeforde , ac inde in Caldewille , et sic in longum riuuli usque in smalemorsihee , ac inde in Auenā , et sic in Offepol · Ab Offepol in Pickereshomme , a pickereshōme in burche4 linches · A lincheon in Oldendune , ab Oldendune in ealdemixan ex quo in buggildestrete a buggildestrete in semaslonde5 , ac inde in chirch’tige , in flitēde garen , et sic in blakenpyte , A parte tamen orientali non longe a blaknepyte in merchirnan , a merchirnan in huniburnan , ex quo per northanmere , in easthammor , inde in circuitu prati de poddeho , dehinc in poddehommore , et sic herianehale , Iteum6 in huniburnan , in longum riuuli usque ad Stanitanford’7 , Iterum in buggill8 Buggildestrete uersus scenendune , ac inde in meaddbroc9 in merdich’ , et sic in Winburnan A Winbur’ in leallesthorn , a lalles10 thor<ń> in lauerkebeorh’ , a Lauerkebeorh’ in poddehomme , a poddehomme in polthor<ń> , a polthor<ń> in merebroc , et sic in stanithanhillessiche , a sich in burgh11 willo<ń> , a burwill’ in burhwalles , ac inde in ealdegare , quod Indigene nanesma<ń>eslond uocant , secus buggildestrete , Ex quo a parte occidentali usque ad beorges , a beorges in pichesta<ń> , A pichesta<ń> in Cademynster , A Cadmynster in bleche12 mere , a blechemere in bracedesta<ń> , a bracedesta<ń> ,13 A bracedesta<ń> in ealdegaran , in Willeryeseie14 , a Willeryeseie in sandbroc , ex quo in hegweye et sic in Wortho<ḿ>e15 , a northomme in brerthirnan · Dehinc in hecanhege , ab hecanhege in badeswillo<ń> , a wille in litlethyrnan , a thirnan per piccedesho in prestme`a´de16 , ac inde in merethor<ń> in brademere a brademere , in estmereslewe , Inde in pottycote , A potticot’ in Thrittiacre , et sic in Riggewere , A Riggewere , in meredic per meredic in Wadberge , a berge in ligl17 lihtmeade · Iterū per merdic in Esanburnan , Ab Esanbur<ń> iterum in meredic Deinde in Wrethmeade , et sic in merebroc , per merebroc usque ad domm18 pol ex quo in Allesbeorg , Ab Allesbeorg in merwillōn19 A merwill’ iterum in auenā ·
- 1
- Looks like 'y' written over 'i' in main hand, though it could be 'i' over 'y'
- 2
- Suspension stroke over the 'n'
- 3
- Clear stroke over second 'a', or more over 'n' which doesn't look much like an accent but is a different shape from a suspension stroke
- 4
- Crossed out in what looks like the same ink
- 5
- Crossed out quite messily in main ink
- 6
- Sic: 'ite' + 5 minims
- 7
- But with a very odd stroke coming off the ascender and down; unclear whether the scribe read '-d’' or '-ð'
- 8
- Crossed out, pretty certainly by the copyist
- 9
- Looks like an alteration but hard to tell what from, and not entirely clear what to
- 10
- The second 'l' is written over the 'e'
- 11
- 'r' altered from 'e'?
- 12
- It's hard to say exactly what's going on, but it looks like a slightly messy 's', and 'c' (or perhaps 'e') on top of each other; 's' corrected to 'c'?
- 13
- Crossed out in what looks like the main ink
- 14
- Quite messy; probably alteration or perhaps deletion
- 15
- Sic 'W'
- 16
- 'a' written above the line in the main hand
- 17
- Crossed out pretty certainly by main scribe; final letter has foot-serif so is not the start of 'h' in this script
- 18
- Looks much more like 'domm' than 'domni'
- 19
- Sic '-ōn'