Select a category, then click a letter or type in the ‘Find Headword’ box. Note that the General Glossary is selected by default: here we present the correspondences between the LangScape headword and the headwords in selected dictionaries (see Abbreviations); your search criteria will match with any of these. The display also shows how we have treated ‘compounds’ (eg. under ‘burh’, you will see that ‘burhware’ is treated as one LangScape headword but ‘eorþ+burg’ as two).

Headword Filters
  1. Add þ Æ
OE Dictionaries
PN Elements
Comments See also ‘compounds’
Use form above to search for headwords

These results are sorted by default by the headword to the left of your selected headword. (Note that the concordance orders by headword but displays the text; thus ‘yrþ’ will order at the end of a run, whilst the text may read ‘erþ’ or ‘ierþ’). You can also order by headword to the right and by County.

The default option restricts searches to within the boundary section of the Boundary Clause, but other options are available. You can view the location of your results (unchecking boxes will remove those you don’t want plotted, but otherwise all the results will display). Clicking the LNo will take you to the text.

Please search for a headword first.
Order by:  Section Type: 
LNo County Estate Concordance
659.3.00 Nt Upton
sind dan landgemare to to
642.0.00 Wi Upton Lovell
Þis synt þa landgemere to
1300.0.00 Wo Upton-upon-Severn
Ðis synd þa londgemæra to
642.0.00 Wi Upton Lovell
sƿa cynrices gemære scæt <7>
inga gemære on ƿilig þonne
533.0.00 Nth Ailsworth
ƿyda .   sƿa innan ƿyda be
gemære .   sƿa to uffaƿyrða