• : Sawyer 909, MS 3, Boundary 1: London, TNA C 53/99 (olim PRO Ch.R. 6 Edw. II)
  • : Oxford, St Frideswide's
  • : Buckinghamshire
  • : Upper Winchendon
  • : 5

Þissondon1 þara · x · hida land emara ínto ƿíncandone ,

Arest of Æsculfer2 ƿillan on þa bírís díc on hundryþe tre`o´ƿ , of þan treoƿe on tƿam moram , of þam moran on <ŧ> heafodland of þam heafedland on toen ƿillan riþige , of þam riþige , on bicanbroce , of þam broce on tama andlang3 tamæ to ebbeslade , of þam slade to merƿille fram merƿille to rugan hlæye , of þam hlaye , on þone fulan pitte , of þam pítte , on risc broc , of risce broce on ƿotesbroce of ƿotesbroce eft in to Æsculfes ƿillan ·


The second 's' is written much like a 'þ'
This text exhibits misreadings of 's' as 'r', 'g' as 's' and 'ƿ' as 'y'
There's a flourish on the 'g' which might alternatively be '-es' suspension