• : Sawyer 869, MS 1: London, British Library, Add. 82931
  • : Winchester, New Minster
  • : Sussex
  • : South Heighton [2]
  • : 3

Erest onða ea and lang dice on hocces clif of hocces clif onsnelles pytt of snelles pytte and lang dic oncealfahlinc of cealfahlinc on hafakes beorh · of hafakes beorh on ðone stan beorh ofþanstanbeorhge on ræst linc on uearncumbe of uearncumbe on eccinga hlæƿe of eccinga hlæƿe onðorn dene of ðorn dene ondeopan dell of deopandelle onðone readan stan of þan readan stane onƿær mundesstan of ƿærmundes stane on langan hlinc of langan hlince onðone holan ƿeg of holan ƿege onkyneƿare treoƿe on grenan hlince in to ðan fleote æt ho of þan fleote <ŧ> eft inða ea ·


Variant Readings from ASCharters New Minster, Winchester, no. 30
