• : Sawyer 842, MS 1, Boundary 6: London, British Library, Add. 82931
  • : Winchester, New Minster
  • : Hampshire
  • : Segenworth in Titchfield
  • : 3

Ðis synd þara anre hida land gamæra to suggincgƿyrðe ·

ærest of ceodorbricge ƿest <7> lang herpaðes oþþa treoƿa of þam treoƿum on tidices hlæƿea ðanon on þone norð langan herpað of þam herpaðe ƿest on þæs mores heafod þanon norð <7> lang mores oððone ƿysctƿalan1ða non be ðam ƿyrtƿalanb 2 on þone stan ðanon east on <ŧ> æƿylle æt ƿuda tune of þam æƿylle east sƿa hit gemerced is on þone stanihtan ƿeg þanon east <7> lang mearce on noðheardes meede norþe ƿearde þa non suð <7> lang mores on ceoddorbricge

<7> ut læse mid oð rum folce gemæne ·


Sic; insular 'r' misread as 'sc'
Sic; the scribe read it correctly this time

Variant Readings from ASCharters New Minster, Winchester, no. 26
