- : Sawyer 832, MS 1, Boundary 1: Exeter, D.C., 2527
- : Exeter
- : Cornwall
- : Traboe in St Keverne
- : 1
Ðisys seo landscaru totrefƿurabo
ærest1 æt pollicerr þænne beþære dic and lang ƿeges þo<ń> · of þana 2 ƿege þo<ń> onþa lytlan dic oneast healfe ƿeges topoll hæscen adun[.]3 beþā broce toryt cendeurion þo<ń> beþam broce tocarnniðbran todeumaen coruan · þanon <7> lang ƿeges tocruc drænoc4 þanontocarrecƿynn <7> eft þanon topollicerr ·
- 1
- Wear along fold, and ?drop of liquid, but reading still pretty certain
- 2
- Quite faded, but the two minims of 'n' are still visible and there is insufficient space for 'm'
- 3
- Almost entirely lost to wear along fold
- 4
- Wear along fold
Variant Readings from Hooke, Pre-Conquest Charter-Bounds of Devon and Cornwall, Cornwall no. 6a
- a
- þa