- : Sawyer 721, MS 1: Longleat, Marquess of Bath, 39
- : Glastonbury
- : Devon
- : Ottery St Mary [1]
- : 2
þis beth þe landmere
erest of þan welle þaron othery endlangstremes on the redeclyue northward þar up on annea 1 put of þan putte on anwythy · of þan wythy on anstonberwe of þan berwe eft up on the rigge2 on hotthurne stanberwe · þanen to þan herpowe3 endlangherpowes on þe stanbrugge þar up on landscherlak’ on holangcomb’ heued · þanen up on dych · þanen on midde the dune endlangdune on iffingknap medeward · þanen on iffingberlak’ of þer lake on þe dich of þan dich on þe ifre northward · eft on þe welle endlangrewe þare eft on Othery <!>
- 1
- The second character is graphically more like 'n' than 'u'
- 2
- It looks as if the scribe first wrote 'rige' then emended to 'rigge'
- 3
- Presumably 'þ' misread as 'ƿ' somewhere along the line of transmission, and here rendered as 'w'
Variant Readings from Hooke, Pre-Conquest Charter-Bounds of Devon and Cornwall, Devon no. 16
- a
- aune