- : Sawyer 714, MS 1: London, British Library, Cotton Claudius B. vi
- : Abingdon
- : Sussex
- : Washington [2]
- : 1
Ðis sind þa land gemæra to ƿasingatuna
ærst of hornīga dene to bennan beorges þonon ealdan cristesmæle · of þam cristes mæle to blacan pole · of þam pole to dunnan heafde · þonon to hunnes cnolle to geoc burnan þonon to dun ham lea · of þam lea to readdan ƿylle of þā ƿylle to lidgeardes beorge þo<ń> to tatemannes beorgelese of þan beorgelse to haþeburge hlaƿe þa<ń> up to þære stan erigan · of þære stan erigan to ƿyr’ stealle þonon to heregræfen · of heregrafan ƿest to tƿam þor<ń> þonon to remnes dune · of þære dune to scortan dene þonō to ƿigan campe · of ƿigan cāpe eft on horninga dene ·
Variant Readings from ASCharters Abingdon, no. 98
- None