- : Sawyer Pelteret11, MS 1, Boundary 1: Wells, D.C., Liber Albus II
- : Wells
- : Somerset
- : Banwell
- : 1
Þis syndan þa land gemæro æt Banaƿelle ·
Ærest æt hyls brocesa ea ƿyllmeb east onþone cumb eall abutan losa leh sƿa ƿest on þone cumb <7> swa ƿest ofðam cumbe to bibricge · of bibricge into ture broc · of ture broke into locxs · ofloxs into bride ƿell to pantes hyd forðc · to fule welle1 ut onþone mære ofðam męred 2 on ealden wrinn in to catt widige up forðe be cyng roda aest3 in þone wrinnæft’f streame forðg · <ŧ> hyt cymð inðoneh hyls broc up <ŧ> hyt cymð æfti inne þa eaa ƿyllmej
- 1
- Sic: the scribe uses both wynn and 'w'
- 2
- 'e' with a backward-slanting downward stroke at end of the letter and end of line; this could be e-caudata, or perhaps the very neat scribe's attempt to correct 'e' to ash as cleanly as possible, or just possibly an odd diacritic to indicate hyphenation
- 3
- 'ft' and 'st' are subject to interpretation in this script; st-ligature is used here, but this scribe uses s-ligatures quite freely so there is some ambiguity
Variant Readings from Earle 1888, 431-4
- a
- hylsbrokes
- b
- ea ƿillme
- c
- ford
- d
- mære
- e
- ford
- f
- wrinnæst
- g
- ford
- h
- in þone
- i
- æst
- j
- eaa ƿillme