• : Sawyer 450, MS 1, Boundary 2: Exeter, D.R.O., Chanter 4 (olim E/R 4)
  • : Exeter
  • : Cornwall
  • : land at Burnewhall, near St Buryan
  • : 1

postea ad uillam que dicitur Bodenewel · iii · arpennas ,

Incipit quea 1 terminus uillule a Benberd ascendens contra riuulum usque ad melynon ,2 et inde usque ad maentol in Lentrisidyn , ascendens per rectitudinem uie contra montem per mediam3 Bosseghan , et inde per rectitudinem fosse usque ad Fong`h´ad4 descendens inter duas fossas usque ad riuulum , et inde usque ad mare descendens


Sic, though not written as enclitic
Somewhere between , and .
Written as 'međ' plus 3 minims; the grammar suggests 'mediam', but the standard abbreviation would be 'medium'
'h' inserted above the line, perhaps by main scribe but hard to say; ink definitely lighter

Variant Readings from Hooke, Pre-Conquest Charter-Bounds of Devon and Cornwall, Cornwall no. 1
