• : Sawyer 424, MS 1, Boundary 1: London, British Library, Harley 436
  • : Wilton
  • : Wiltshire
  • : North Newnton [2]
  • : 1

Aerest on auene æt stintes forde þæt and lang ƿeges on teoltan ford · <7>sƿa ongean stream on ƿifeles ford · þon<ń> <7>lang þæs frið herpaþes on sand beorh · of þā beorge to botan ƿylle · þon<ń> forð bestreame onblacan lace · <ŧ> <7>lang lace on afene · <7>sƿa and lang stremes1 eft on stíntes ford ·


With first 'e' as suprascript abbreviation for 're'

Variant Readings from Birch, no. 699
