• : Sawyer 396, MS 1: London, British Library, Cotton Claudius B. vi
  • : Abingdon
  • : Bedfordshire
  • : Chalgrave and Tebworth
  • : 1

Ðær se dic sceot in ƿæclinga straetea an langes ƿæxlinga stræte ðæt inb ðane ford þæt anlāg broces in þanne oðerne ford þonne of ðæm forde up on þane ƿelle <7> þanan in ðæt dell þanan of ðæm delle in ðone dic of ðæm dice in ðone oþerne dic þone of ðæm dice in þone borc1 þonne of þam broce to cynburge ƿellan þanne anlang dices · to east coten þæt þanan in þane ealdan broc up of þæm ealdan broce · on æfem ðæt riþig þæt up rihte in ðiod ƿeg æftær ðiod ƿege in þone dic æft dice in ƿæxlingga strate ·



Variant Readings from ASCharters Abingdon, no. 21
