• : Sawyer 379, MS 2: London, British Library, Add. 82931
  • : Winchester, New Minster
  • : Wiltshire
  • : Collingbourne Kingston
  • : 6

Aerest feouertyne gearda be neoþan þam pytte þa non of collenga burnan west1 up to þam haeþenan byrgelsan þanon on scortan dyc þonne to scealdan crundle þa non to preostan lypan þa non and lang grenan dene on þa fox holo westweard · Þanon on bradan beorg þonne on blerian hylle þa non on wyl berhtesstan sƿa forth eall herpathes <7> dunes þa non on guþredesburg norþeweard þonne on pendes clif þanon on blerian hylle2 þanon on þa sƿelgende þonne on iebyng crundele þanon on steorran linca 3 · þanon east to þara þreora aecera and heafdon þanon to þan wylle on collengaburnan ·


Sic the mixture of 'w' and 'ƿ' and 'th' and 'þ' in this text
Sic repeat of previous phrase here
Sic; clear s+t ligature, although this may well be for 'sceorran'

Variant Readings from ASCharters New Minster, Winchester, no. 8
