- : Sawyer 1863, MS 1: Stafford, Staffordshire Record Office D603/A/ADD 3 (olim Burton-on-Trent, Burton-on-Trent Museum, Muniments 3)
- : Uncertain
- : Devon
- : Little Dart, near Queen Dart? (land by the Dart)
- : 1
[......................................................................]isƿuðe1 treoƿ stede ƿest on herpoð on smalacumbes heafdo ondune on smalacumb · on deretan · [......................................................................]alace · up on ferndunalace on ðearfan ðornes slo · of þearfan ðornes slo on readan ford · þanon[......................................................................]dum2 [.....]rócoð seclace3 up on seclace4 eft on ƿisƿuðe treoƿ stede ·
<7>ðriddan healf iegyrde ƿudu rædene
- 1
- The left-hand section of the charter is missing; judging from the folding, up to 80 characters are missing per line
- 2
- 'du' followed by 2 minims and then the trace of another minim-like stroke is visible before the next gap (possibly, therefore, '-dum)
- 3
- Third character closer to 'c' than 't', but conceivably 't'
- 4
- Hole along fold