• : Sawyer 115, MS 1: London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian B. xxiv
  • : Evesham
  • : Gloucestershire
  • : Donnington
  • : 1

Ðys sind þa lande gemæra into dunnestreattunne ·

Of dunne dic into þam fox hole · of ðam fox hole in to <ŧ> oðer clif · big þa clife to þere blinde ƿylle · of þere blinde ƿylle innon þane stan · of þa stane to þa heafde · big þa heafde to ðere fureh · æft ðere fureh into horsendunes slead · of horsendunes slead innon hæssuc mor · of hæssuc more innon ðere ende fureh · of þere ende fureh in cærsƿylle · æft cærsƿylles sice innon hæn streat · of þa streate to þa tƿam stane · of þa tƿam stane innon grene beorhes sice · of þa sice to þa hæðe · of þam hæðe innon heaðeboldes þorn · of heaðeboldes þorne innon meoson more · of meoson more to gices dic · of gices dic innon bladene · of bladene innon eoƿnilade · of eoƿnilade up on ðene hæð · ofer ðene hæð innon þa sand seaðe · of þa sand seaðe innon dunnes sleade of dunnes sleade1 up on athylle · of athylle innon ðere bytme · of þere bytme in foss · æft foss to þam heafod stocce · of þa stocce innon mor dene · of mor dene innon þere salt stret2 · of ðere salt strete to þa heafod londe · of þa heafod londe innon dunnen cumbe · of dunnen cumbe innon dunnen dic · of dunnen dic in tƿisebeorge · of tƿisebeorhge in hriscpyt · of hriscpytte into ðere dic · of ðere dic innon ƿude ƿeig · of ƿude ƿeige innon <ŧ> ea denn · of þa ea denne æft in dunne dic ·


Erasure (almost certainly of 'o') between 'sleade' and 'up'
Written as 'steiet' with descender from first 'e', so the main scribe presumably converted 'e' to 'r' by adding descender and minim