- : Sawyer 877, MS 1, Boundary 2: London, British Library, Add. 82931
- : Winchester, New Minster
- : Kent
- : Evegate
- : 2
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- These
- þesþis
- are
- beonsind
- the
- seþære
- three and a half
- feorþe_healffeorþanhelfre
- sulungs'
- sulungsulunga
- land-boundaries
- landgemærelandgæmæra
- to
- toto
- Evegate
- Evegateþeofagadan
- of the
- seþes
- geneat land
- geneatlandgenatlandes
- First
- ærestærest
- to
- onon
- the northern part of
- norþeweardnorƿweardan
- birch
- byrcbiric
- holt (wood)
- holtholte
- to
- toto
- Earting
- - + -ingeart-inge
- to
- toto
- plank
- þelþel
- bridge
- brycgbricge
- to
- toto
- the
- seþære
- mill
- mylnmiln
- from
- framfram
- the
- seþær
- mill
- mylnmiln
- between
- betweoxbetƿweox
- hart's
- heorotheortes
- place
- stedestede
- and
- and<7>
- stone
- stanstan
- place
- stedestede
- to
- toto
- Yimminga
- - + -ingasyimm-inga
- fortification | byre
- burh | byrebire
- north
- norþnorþ
- to
- toto
- the
- seþæra
- Stour
- Stourstƿwre
- to
- toto
- the
- seþære
- bridge
- brycgbricge
- thence
- þanonþanon
- west
- westƿwæst
- to
- toto
- east
- eastest
- Stour
- Stourƿwre
- as far as
- oþoþ
- Leofstan's
- Leofstanleofstanes
- meadow
- mædmæde
- from
- ofof
- the
- seþæra
- meadow
- mædmæde
- to
- toto
- Scobbing
- - + -ingscobb-inge
- from
- framfram
- Scobbing
- - + -ingscobb-inge
- to
- toto
- north
- norþnorð
- wood
- wuduƿwida
- from
- framfram
- north
- norþnorþ
- wood
- wuduƿwida
- to
- toto
- Weliscing [British/Welsh + place]
- wylisc + -ingasƿwelisc-inge
- from
- framfrom
- Weliscing
- wylisc + -ingasƿwelisc-inge
- back
- efteft
- to
- onon
- back
- efteft
- to1
- onon
- north
- norþnorþ
- wood
- wuduƿwida
- ·
- 1
- Sic repeat Back to text