- : Sawyer 681, MS 1, Boundary 1: London, Society of Antiquaries, 60
- : Peterborough
- : Yorkshire
- : Howden
- : 1
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- These
- þesÞis
- are
- beonsind
- the
- seþa
- land-boundaries
- landgemærelandgemære
- to
- toto
- Howden
- Howden`h´æafuddene
- From
- ofof
- (the) Ouse
- Ouseusan
- up
- upup
- to
- onon
- Wilbald's
- Wilbaldƿwilbaldes
- creek
- fleotfleot
- ·
- from
- ofof
- Wilbald's
- Wilbaldƿwilbaldes
- creek
- fleotfleote
- to
- onon
- the
- seþa
- ditch/dyke
- dicdic
- along
- andlangandlang
- (the) ditch
- dicdices
- to
- onon
- (the) Derwent
- Derwentdeorƿwentan
- ·
- from
- ofof
- (the) Derwent
- Derwentdeorƿwentan
- straight on
- ongerihteongerihtne
- to
- onon
- brushood1
- kjarrcær
- island
- holmrholm
- ·
- from
- ofof
- brushood
- kjarrcær
- island
- holmrholme
- along
- andlangandlang
- (the) ditch
- dicdices
- all
- ealleal
- around
- onbutanombutan
- the
- seþane
- wood
- wuduƿwuda
- to
- onon
- foul
- fulfulan
- river2
- eaea
- ·
- along
- andlang<7>lang
- foul
- fulfulan
- river
- eaea
- to
- onon
- old
- ealdealdan
- Derwent
- Derwentdeorƿwentan
- ·
- along
- andlang<7>lang
- old
- ealdealde
- Derwent
- Derwentdeorƿwentan
- until
- þæt<ŧ>
- back
- efteft
- to
- onon
- (the) Ouse
- Ouseusan
- ·
- These
- seÞa
- are
- beons`eo´nd
- the
- seþa
- townships
- tuntunas
- which
- þeþa
- belong
- hyranhęrað
- to
- toto
- Howden
- Howdenheofoddene
- with
- midmid
- sac
- sacusace
- and
- and<7>
- with
- midmid
- soke
- socnsocne
- ·
- Knedlington
- KnedlingtonCnyllingatun
- ·
- Barnhill
- BarnhillBeornhyll
- ·
- Caville
- CavilleCafeld
- ·
- Thorpe
- ThorpeÐorp
- ·
- Hive
- HiveHyðe
- ·
- Eastrington3
- EastringtonEastriingatun
- ·
- Belby
- BelbyBelleby
- ·
- Kilpin
- KilpinCelpene
- ·
- 1
- Alternatively this may be a British stream-name: cp. Car, Cary, Ceri etc. Back to text
- 2
- The river Foulness Back to text
- 3
- Note that this word has been mistranscribed from this manuscript in the past and its etymology (with 'easterra' as first element in DEPN and CDEPN) needs reviewing; the manuscript reads 'Eastri inga tun' Back to text