- : Sawyer 679, MS 2, Boundary 2: York, DC., Magnum Registrum Album, pt 1
- : York
- : Nottinghamshire
- : Sutton
- : 1
- Translation
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- These
- þesDis
- are
- beonsint
- the
- seda
- land-boundaries
- landgemærelandgemarei
- to
- toto
- Sutton
- Suttonsuttune
- From1
- ofof
- foul
- fulfulan
- ford
- fordforda
- ·
- along
- andlang<7>lang
- (the) street
- strætstret
- to
- toto
- the
- seþam
- grove
- grafgrafe
- then
- þonneþon
- straight
- (ge)rihtgeriht
- through the middle of
- middmid
- the
- seþone
- grove
- grafgraf
- to
- onon
- the
- seþone
- brook
- brocbroc
- along
- andlang<7>lang
- (the) brook
- brocbroces
- to
- onon
- long
- langlangan
- ford
- fordforð
- straight on
- ongerihteongerihte
- to
- onon
- shire | bright
- scir1 | scir2scir
- wood2
- wuduƿwuda
- middleward (in the middle)
- middeweardmiddeƿweardne
- to
- onon
- (the) Idle3
- Idleiddel
- at
- ætat
- broad
- bradbrodan
- creek
- fleotfleote
- ·
- thence
- þætþ
- up
- upup
- continuously
- aa
- along
- bebe
- (the) Idle
- Idleiddel
- back
- efteft
- to
- onon
- foul
- fulfulan
- ford
- fordforð
- Then
- þonnedonne
- is
- beonis
- sisotef4
- -sisotef
- land
- landland
- within
- binnanbinnan
- this
- þesðisum
- boundary
- (ge)mæregemaret
- ·
- 1
- See LangScape's Semi-diplomatic and Edited displays which give an idea of the poor quality of the scribal copying of this text; emendations and interpretations are tentative Back to text
- 2
- Apparently Sherwood, and thus probably 'shire wood' Back to text
- 3
- The river Idle Back to text
- 4
- Given the horrible state of this text, this could be more or less anything; 'g' is consistently miscopied as 's' and 'f' and 's' are often confused, but 'sigotes/gigotes' doesn't get us much further; but perhaps ultimately for 'gesetes' (fold's)? Back to text