Future Development of the Resource
All known boundary clauses, together with their variant versions, have been checked against manuscript sources and input into the LangScape database, together with accompanying metadata. However, through constraints of time, not all these texts have been marked up in XML (see Completed Archives). Similarly, for each boundary text, we have in the database fields containing the (usually Latin) clause introducing the Boundary Section of the charter, the dispositive clause (describing what unit is being granted), details of appurtenances which follow the boundary texts, and endorsements and rubrics relating to the charters containing the boundaries. We have not had the time to present or exploit this material, and it is the intention of the project to seek funding specifically to bring this phase of the project to completion.
The resource then potentially forms a platform for wider development: for example, increasing accessibility to the general public and developing schools use. The main area for this development lies in the analysis of each boundary clause on the ground using GIS techniques. A key component of this phase is the establishment of a Feedback Forum where those working on any aspect of the boundaries could share and discuss their findings. This second stage could be the subject of wider collaboration and funding.