- : Sawyer 770, MS 1, Boundary 2: Exeter, D.C., 2521
- : Exeter
- : Cornwall
- : Trenowth in Probus
- : 1
Ðissint þa ge mæro totref næƿð
ærist frā fæle ongerihte topenn beþoƿ toþam pytte þo<ń> ongerihte ofer þa læge to þam oðr[.]a 1 pitte totref celestes gemære þo<ń> forð to caeruureh þo<ń> ongerihte2 topenn hal ƿeðoc þo<ń> tomaen ber þo<ń> ongerihte topen hal þo<ń> forð tocarnƿinnioc þo<ń> adune topen hal þo<ń> adune beþære riðe to fæle ·
- 1
- Letter entirely lost to fold, but there's insufficient space for '-um'; presumably therefore '-ū, unless '-e'; traces of strokes seem more like 'e', though grammar demands '-um'
- 2
- Only descender of 'r' visible; remainder lost to rubbing along fold
Variant Readings from Hooke, Pre-Conquest Charter-Bounds of Devon and Cornwall, Cornwall no. 5b
- a
- oðrum