- : Sawyer 659, MS 1, Boundary 4: York, DC., Magnum Registrum Album, pt 1
- : York
- : Nottinghamshire
- : Fiskerton
- : 1
Dir sint þa landsemare1 to fircetunea
<7> lans sreotan on traentan on hareleforðb of dam forda and lans streot to oƿeorn dune of cy forndune onserihto<ń> on niƿan tunerbroc <7>lans brocer þ east on sreotanc ·
- 1
- The scribe misreads 'g' as 's', 's' as 'r' and 'e' as 'f' amongst many other miscopyings, and in this script wynn, thorn and 'y' are identical apart from the dot over the 'y'. In this transcript wynn and thorn are transcribed according to context. Variant readings re. Farrer's 'y'/wynn/thorn are not noted
Variant Readings from Farrer, EYC, no. 2
- a
- firtetune
- b
- Hareleford
- c
- streotan