- : Sawyer 3, MS 12: London, British Library, Harley 358
- : Canterbury, St Augustine's
- : Kent
- : land to the east of Canterbury [2]
- : 19
In oriente ecclesia Sancti Martini , et inde ad orientem de Siwendonne1 , et sic ad Aquilonem Bennikengesmarke , Iterumque ad orientem et ad austrum de burhgunare2 marke , et sic ad austrum et occidentem de Kyngesmerke , Item ad Aquilonem et orientem be Kyngesmerke , sicque ad occidentem to rud’escepe3 et ita ad aquilonem et orientem4 to drintingestræte5 ,
- 1
- The scribe misreads 'n' and 'u'; the hand fairly clearly distinguishes between the two graphs
- 2
- 'rh' shows signs of alteration
- 3
- This appears to be 'd' plus abbreviation rather than either crossed eth or crossed eth plus abbreviation
- 4
- Crossed through by copyist
- 5
- Sic 'drin-': with dotted 'i'