• : Sawyer 180, MS 5, Boundary 2: London, British Library, Harley 4660
  • : Worcester
  • : Worcestershire
  • : «Weogorena leah», lands to the west of the Severn near Worcester
  • : 5

. . . . rimis1 · of Moseleage in Subbingƿic · et deinde in laƿern exin certe2 in hagan `quae´ et3 post se trahitur in Temedam ·


The dots in the manuscript indicate text which was presumably illegible to the copyist
Written as 'ex in | certe', with a loop joining 'ex' to 'in'
A long series of loops fills an otherwise blank space (12 characters in length) and extends over the following 'et', presumably to change the gap and the 'et' into 'quae'. MS Bodleian Rawl. B. 445 (pre-fire) reads 'hagan . Et tunc post'

Variant Readings from Hooke, Worcestershire Anglo-Saxon Charter Bounds, no. 16
