- : Sawyer 168, MS 3, Boundary 2: London, British Library, Stowe 853
- : Canterbury, Christ Church
- : Kent
- : Elmstead
- : 3
Ærest on East healfe betwynan Leage and Elman stede swa ofes scæt oth Stænincg marce Swa and Lang dices west1 Burhrode , Ofer Burhrode west on Boddesham , thanon northeast on Burhstræte and Langstræte north on Denewara feld , East on2 stræte on thea3 that ealde thrymyrce Lehwara and Denewara and Elmes stedes sua4 swa dic sæadeth5 on Burhrode ·
- 1
- 'on' omitted
- 2
- 2 illegiblecharacters are crossed through between 'on' and 'stræte'
- 3
- Crossed through
- 4
- Crossed through
- 5
- Some alteration here but more like 'æ' than 'ce'