- : Sawyer 151, MS 1: Brussels, Bibliotèque Royale, 7965-73 (3723)
- : St Albans
- : Hertfordshire
- : Pinesfield («Pinnelesfeld») in Rickmansworth
- : 2
Ærst ofhæmedforda , andlang colanea , oþhit cymeþ onbradan pol , sƿaþær sƿifta burna ut sceot , þæt ogrændeles ƿere , beneoþan grændeles ƿere þæt uprihte onþæt fulesloch uel mærtines sol , þonon rihte on heanƿic suðeƿearde bufan nætuc1 dæne þeligeð ut on standæne , sƿa ofer þæt ƿætergefeal , þæt on cealcfimtinga2 gemetr3 hagan up and lang hagan <ŧ> niðer instandæne sƿatoþæm rradan4 ofer buntan hrge5 þæt mugræfes6 stoc , ofþam stocce onþæne læfrihtan nætuc7 , ofþam nectuce , onþæne haran þorn æt necelham stede , on pihtles burnan ·
- 1
- This scribe represents 'æ' by the letters 'et', so this is written, and may be intended as, 'nettuc'
- 2
- Clear dot on the first 'i'
- 3
- The deleted 't' suggests that this is 'e' altered from 'æ', 'æ' being represented by this scribe by the graphs 'et'
- 4
- Sic, and there is a section of text missing after this word
- 5
- Sic
- 6
- Three minims with no dots where 'i' is elsewhere consistently dotted in this text, plus 'u' which is unambiguous due to its characteristic diacritic
- 7
- Or 'nettuc'
Variant Readings from ASCharters St Albans, no. 4
- None