- : Sawyer 1028, MS 1, Boundary 2: Paris, Archives nationales, Cartons des rois, K. 19, no. 6
- : Paris, Saint-Denis
- : Oxfordshire
- : marshland appurtenant to Taynton
- : 2
þis is <ŧ> ge mære to þam more þe þider inntoligð · <ŧ>is
ofdíc lace aƿilstede · <7> of ƿilstede onryðeraford · <7>of þam forde · onƿireneges1 þorn · <7> of þam þorne · andlang ƿenric onbeafolces ears · <7> of beafolces earse andlang témese be healfan stréame eft inne díclace ·
- 1
- 'ƿireneges' pretty certainly written over an erasure; 'r' was first written with a minim changed to a descender by the main scribe