- : Sawyer 916, MS 1, Boundary 1: Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. hist. a. 2, no. VII
- : St Albans
- : Hertfordshire
- : Norton
- : 3
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
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- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- These
- þesÞis
- are
- beonsynt
- the
- seþa
- land-boundaries
- landgemærelandgemæro
- to
- toto
- Norton
- Nortonnorðtune
- <;>
- First
- ærestÆrest
- from
- ofof
- red
- readreadan
- spring's
- wyllaƿwylles
- heads
- heafodheafdan
- to
- toto
- willow
- *wiligƿwilig
- fortification1
- burhbyrig
- <;>
- From
- framFram
- willow
- *wiligƿwilig
- fortification
- burhbyrig
- along
- andlangandlang
- Stotfold [stud + fold]
- stod + faldstod-fald
- ditch
- dicdices
- <;>
- so
- swaSƿwa
- along
- andlangandlang
- Stotfold
- stod + faldstod-fald
- boundary
- (ge)mæregemær[es]
- <!>
- until
- þætþæt
- it
- hithit
- comes
- cumancymð
- to
- toto
- Stocc (post)
- stoccstocc
- boundary
- (ge)mæregemære
- <;>
- So
- swaSƿwa
- into
- in_tointo
- the
- seþære
- river
- eaea
- <!>
- Along
- andlangAndlang
- (the) river
- eaea
- until
- oþþætoþþæt
- it
- hithit
- comes
- cumancymð
- back
- efteft
- to
- toto
- red
- readreadan
- spring's
- wyllaƿwylles
- heads
- heafodheafdon
- .<;>
- 1
- The name survives in Willbury (Farm) Back to text