- : Sawyer 887, MS 1, Boundary 2: London, British Library, Cotton Claudius B. vi
- : Abingdon
- : Oxfordshire
- : woodland belonging to Benson? («Bynsingtun land»)
- : 1
- Translation
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- These
- þesÞis
- are
- beonsind
- the
- þesþas
- wood's
- wuduƿwudes
- boundaries
- (ge)mæregemæra
- that
- þeþe
- to
- toto
- the
- seþam
- land
- landlande
- belong
- (ge)byriangebyriað
- that
- þæt2<ŧ>
- is
- beonis
- First
- ærestærest
- along
- andlang<7>lang
- acre/cultivated land
- æceræcer
- way
- wegƿweges
- to
- onon
- reed
- hreodhreod
- slade (valley)
- slædslæd
- along
- andlang<7>lang
- (the) slade
- slædslædes
- to
- onon
- gegan
- -gegan
- dean (valley)
- denudene
- along
- andlang<7>lang
- (the) dean
- denudene
- until
- þæt<ŧ>
- to
- onon
- gegan
- -gegan
- 'leah'/wood
- leahlege
- eastward (the eastern part)
- easteweardeasteƿwearde
- from
- ofof
- the
- seþære
- 'leah'
- leahlege
- along
- andlang<7>lang
- fortification
- burhburh
- slade
- slædslædes
- to
- onon
- fortification
- burhburh
- way
- wegƿwege
- thence
- þanonþanon
- to
- onon
- enclosure/hedge
- haga1hage
- way
- wegƿweg
- out
- utut
- to
- onon
- the
- seþæne
- open land/field
- feldfeld
- and
- and<7>
- so
- swasƿwa
- transversely
- þweoresþƿwyres
- over
- ofer3ofer
- fern
- fearnfern
- field/open land
- feldfeld
- to
- onon
- Wynnstan's
- Wynnstanƿwynstanes
- hemmed land1
- hammham
- from
- ofof
- the
- seþan
- hemmed land
- hammhamme
- always
- aa
- by
- bebe
- (the) tree-roots/woodbank
- wyrttrumaƿwurtruman
- until
- þæt<ŧ>
- back
- efteft
- to
- onon
- the
- seþone
- acre
- æceræcer
- way
- wegƿweg
- ·
- 1
- 'hamm' often refers to land largely hemmed by a river bend or similarly enclosed by some other natural feature Back to text