- : Sawyer 617, MS 1: London, British Library, Cotton Claudius B. vi
- : Abingdon
- : Oxfordshire
- : Tadmarton [1]
- : 2
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- These
- þesÐis
- are
- beonsind
- the
- seþa
- land-boundaries
- landgemærelandgemære
- of the
- seðara
- ·
- ten
- tynx
- ·
- hides
- hidhida
- ·
- First1
- ærestÆrest
- from
- ofof
- Eoppa's
- Eoppaeoppan
- spring's
- wyllaƿwyllan
- brook2
- brocbroc
- thence
- þæt<ŧ>
- to
- ono<ń>
- the
- seða
- black | shining
- blæc | blacblacan
- spring/stream
- wyllaƿwyllan
- thence
- þæt<ŧ>
- from
- ofof
- black | shining
- blæc | blacblacan
- spring
- wyllaƿwyllan
- to
- onon
- the
- seðone
- head
- heafodheafod
- acre
- æceræcer
- ·
- from
- ofof
- the
- seþan
- acre
- æceræcere
- along
- andlang<7>lang
- (the) boundary
- (ge)mæregemæres
- to
- onon
- hazel
- hæselhesl
- fortification
- burhburh
- middleward (in the middle)
- middeweardmiddeƿwearde
- ·
- from
- ofof
- hazel
- hæselhæsel
- fortification
- burhbyrg
- to
- onon
- hazel
- hæselhæsl
- ford
- fordford
- along
- andlang<7>lang
- (the) stream
- streamstreames
- to
- onon
- the
- seþone
- old
- ealdealdan
- ford
- fordford
- ·
- from
- ofof
- the
- seþan
- ford
- fordforde
- always
- aa
- by
- bebe
- (the) boundary
- (ge)mæregemære
- until
- þæt<ŧ>
- to
- onon
- the
- seða
- street
- strætstræt
- from
- ofof
- the
- seþære
- street
- strætstræt
- to
- onon
- the
- seþone
- fallow/unploughed
- *lægelæg
- acre
- æceracer
- ·
- from
- ofof
- the
- seþan
- fallow
- *lægelæg
- acre
- æceracere
- always
- aa
- by
- bebe
- (the) boundary
- (ge)mæremære
- so that
- þæt<ŧ>
- to
- onon
- the
- seþone
- ridge
- hrycghrigc
- way
- wegƿweg
- ·
- from
- ofof
- the
- seþan
- ridge
- hrycghric
- way
- wegƿwege
- by
- bebe
- (the) boundary
- (ge)mæregemære
- until
- þæt<ŧ>
- to
- onon
- the
- seþa
- old
- ealdealdan
- ditch/dyke
- dicdic
- along
- andlang<7>lang
- (the) ditch/dyke
- dicdices
- to
- onon
- land
- landland
- gore's3
- garagares
- bridge
- brycgbrigce
- ·
- from
- ofof
- the
- seþære
- bridge
- brycgbrigce
- against
- ongeanongean
- (the) stream
- streamstream
- until
- þæt<ŧ>
- to
- onon
- cress4
- cærsegres
- spring's
- wyllaƿwyllan
- brook
- brocbroc
- from
- ofof
- the
- seþam
- brook
- brocbroce
- to
- onon
- foul
- fulfule
- spring
- wyllaƿwyllan
- from
- ofof
- the
- seþam
- spring
- wyllaƿwylle
- by
- bebe
- (the) boundary
- (ge)mæregemære
- to
- onon
- sharp
- scearpscearpan
- promontary
- næssnesse
- always
- aa
- by
- bebe
- (the) boundary
- (ge)mæregemære
- until
- þæt<ŧ>
- to
- onon
- the
- seðone
- tail of land
- steortsteort
- from
- ofof
- the
- seþan
- tail of land
- steortsteorte
- to
- onon
- the
- seða
- street
- strætstræt
- along
- andlang<7>lang
- (the) street
- strætstreate
- to
- onon
- Hunburg's
- Hunburghunburhge
- 'leah'/wood
- leahleah
- from
- ofof
- the
- seþære
- 'leah'
- leahleahe
- thence
- þæt<ŧ>
- back
- efteft
- to
- onon
- Eoppa's
- Eoppaeoppan
- spring's
- wyllaƿwyllan
- brook
- brocbroc
- ·
- 1
- Cp. S584 which has similar bounds(L584.1) Back to text
- 2
- The stream running from Epwell (eoppanƿwylle) Back to text
- 3
- MS 1 reads 'lang dices', but MS 3 and S584 (L584.1.00) both read 'landgares' Back to text
- 4
- MS 3 and S584 (L584.1.00) read 'cærs' Back to text