- : Sawyer 586, MS 1: London, British Library, Harley 436
- : Wilton
- : Wiltshire
- : land on the river Nadder near Wilton?
- : 1
- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- These
- þesÞis
- are
- beonsynt
- the
- seþara
- four
- feowerfeoƿwer
- hides'
- hidhida
- land-boundaries
- landgemærelandgemera
- by
- bebe
- (the) Nadder
- Naddernoddre
- at
- ætæt
- the
- seþære
- pear-tree
- pirigepyrgean
- ·
- First
- ærestArest
- from
- ofof
- (the) Nadder
- Naddernoddre
- along
- andlangandlang
- the
- seþes
- town/market
- portport
- highway
- herepæþherpaðes
- to
- onon
- the
- seþone
- gore
- garagaran
- thence
- þæt<ŧ>
- along
- andlangandlang
- the
- seþare
- land
- landland
- up-castings1
- gewyrpegeƿwirpa
- up
- upup
- to
- toto
- ridge
- hrycghricg
- ditch/dyke
- dicdic
- west
- westƿwest
- along
- andlangandlang
- the
- seþare
- ditch/dyke
- dicdic
- to
- onon
- Beornwulf's
- Beornwulfbeornolfes
- stone
- stanstan
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- so
- swasƿwa
- forth
- forþforð
- to
- onon
- the
- seþa
- rough
- ruhrugan
- hill
- hyllhylle
- ·
- thence
- þanonþonene
- straight down
- adunrihteadunerihte
- to
- onon
- the
- seðone
- heathen
- hæþenhæðenan
- burial-place
- byrgelsbyrgels
- ·
- from
- ofof
- the
- seþan
- heathen
- hæþenhæðenan
- burial-place
- byrgelsbyrgelse
- to
- onon
- the
- seþone
- stone/stony
- stanigstanigan
- barrow
- beorgbeorh
- ·
- from
- ofof
- the
- seþan
- stone
- stanigstanigan
- barrow
- beorgbeorge
- as far as
- oþoð
- the
- seða
- heads
- heafodhefada
- west
- westƿwest
- by
- bebe
- (the) heads
- heafodheafdan
- at
- ætæt
- the
- seþa
- projecting ploughland
- foreyrþforeyrðe
- ·
- and
- andand
- so
- swasƿwa
- forth
- forþforð
- to
- onon
- goats'
- gatgate
- linch's/bank's
- hlinchlinces
- head
- heafodheafde
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- so
- swasƿwa
- down
- adunadune
- to
- toto
- the
- seþam
- town
- portport
- highway
- herepæþherpaþe
- ·
- thence
- þanonþonan
- to
- onon
- ucgan
- -ucgan
- ford2
- fordford
- ·
- and
- andand
- so
- swasƿwa
- down
- adunadune
- along
- andlangandlang
- (the) stream
- streamstreames
- to
- onon
- the
- seþa
- mill
- mylnmylen
- weir
- werƿware
- ·
- from
- ofof
- the
- seþare
- mill
- mylnmylen
- weir
- werƿware
- to
- toto
- the
- seþare
- sweet
- swetesƿwete
- apple-tree
- apuldorapuldre
- ·
- then
- þonneþonne
- back
- efteft
- to
- onon
- the
- seþone
- highway
- herepæþherpað
- where
- þærþær
- we
- icƿwe
- previously
- ærær
- began
- onfononfengan
- <;>
- 1
- Cp. the 'land geƿwyrpu' in S582 (L582.1, bounds of Chalke); this term seems to be used in the sense of boundary banks Back to text
- 2
- The ford which has given its name to Ugford Back to text