- : Sawyer 489, MS 1: London, Lambeth Palace 1212
- : Canterbury, Christ Church
- : Kent
- : «North Mynster» in Thanet
- : 1
- Translation
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- These
- þesÞis
- are
- beonsyndon
- the
- seþa
- land-boundaries
- landgemærelandgemere
- to
- toto
- Northmynster
- Northmynsternorthmynstre
- ·
- First
- ærestÆrist
- from
- framfram
- dinmeres
- -dinmeres
- estuary/mouth1
- muþamuþan
- ·
- out
- utut
- into
- onon
- (the) sea
- sæsæ
- ·
- east
- easteast
- along
- andlangandlang
- (the) sea
- sæsæ
- ·
- as far as
- oþoþ
- Grenling's [green + ridge]
- grene + hlincgren-linges
- boundary
- mearcmearce
- ·
- south
- suþsuþ
- up
- upup
- along
- andlangandlang
- as far as
- oþoþ
- Ealdingctun [Ealda + 's + farm]2
- Ealda(persn) + -ing + tuneald-ingc-tun
- people's
- -ingasinga
- boundary
- mearcmearce
- as far as
- oþoþ
- Niwantun [new + farm]
- niwe + tunniƿwan-tun
- people's
- -ingasinga
- boundary
- mearcmearce
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- from
- ofof
- Niwantun
- niwe + tunniƿwan-tun
- people's
- -ingasinga
- boundary
- mearcmearce
- ·
- into
- innaninnan
- Hacga's3
- Hacgahocgan
- creek
- fleotfleot
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- along
- andlangandlang
- Hacga's
- Hacgahocgan
- creek
- fleotfleotes
- ·
- as far as
- oþoþ
- dinmeres
- -dinmeres
- creek
- fleotfleot
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- north
- norþnorth
- along4
- andlangand
- (the) creek
- fleotfleotes
- ·
- as far as
- oþoþ
- dinmeres
- -dinmeres
- estuary/mouth
- muþamuþan
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- the
- seþa
- marsh
- merscmersc
- plots
- hophopa
- that
- þeþe
- there
- þærþær
- besides
- butanbutan
- are
- beonsyndon
- between
- betweoxbetƿweox
- Hacga's
- Hacgahacgan
- creek
- fleotfleote
- and
- and<7>
- the
- seþam
- stone
- stanstane
- ·
- 1
- Could the 6 minims in 'dinmere' represent 'dunn-' with later reinterpretation by the time of this 13th century copy?; this would thus represent the personal name 'Dunnere', otherwise only evidenced in 'Battle of Maldon' Back to text
- 2
- But note that KPN derives this from 'ealdan tun' (old farm) - cf. niwan tun' (new farm) as the next point Back to text
- 3
- Cp. L512.0: 'haggan fleot' and 'hacggan fleotes' Back to text
- 4
- 'and' for 'andlang' Back to text