- : Sawyer 274, MS 1: London, British Library, Add. 15350
- : Winchester, Old Minster
- : Hampshire
- : Calbourne, Isle of Wight
- : 1
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
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- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
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- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
- HeadwordText
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- HeadwordText
- Translation
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- Translation
- HeadwordText
- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
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- HeadwordText
- These
- þesÐis
- are
- beonsynt
- the
- seþara
- ·
- thirty
- þrittigxxx
- ·
- hides'
- hidhida
- land-boundaries
- landgemærelandgemæro
- to
- toto
- Calbourne
- CalbourneCaƿwelburnan
- ·
- on
- onon
- Wight
- Wightƿwiht
- ·
- First1
- ærestÆrest
- from
- ofof
- (the) sea
- sæsæ
- up
- upup
- to
- onon
- ash
- æscæsc
- place2
- stedetede
- ·
- thence
- þanonþanon
- to
- onon
- the
- seþæne
- meeting
- (ge)motgemot
- barrow3
- beorgbeorh
- ·
- from
- ofof
- the
- seþam
- barrow
- beorgbeorge
- to
- onon
- swine's
- swinsƿwines
- head
- heafodheafod
- ·
- thence
- þanonþanon
- to
- onon
- south
- suþsuð
- sea
- sæsæ
- to/at
- onon
- Eadgils's
- Eadgilseadgylses
- (river) mouth
- muþamuþan
- ·
- along
- andlangandlang
- Eadgils's
- Eadgilseadgylses
- mouth
- muþamuþan
- ·
- to
- onon
- beak's/woodpecker's | Bica's
- *bica | Bica(persn)bican
- dean (valley)
- denudæne
- ·
- thence
- þanonþanon
- to
- onon
- cawel4
- -caƿwel
- bourn (stream)5
- burnaburnan
- ·
- along
- andlangandlang
- cawel
- -Caƿwel
- bourn
- burnaburnan
- ·
- out
- ututt
- into
- onon
- north
- norþnorð
- sea
- sæsæ
- ·
- 1
- The same bounds occur in S1581 (L1581.2) Back to text
- 2
- Cp. 'æsc stede' in L1581.2 Back to text
- 3
- Cp. 'mot beorh' in S766 (L766.4, bounds of Watchingwell in Calbourne) Back to text
- 4
- Ostensibly Old English 'cawel' (cabbage, ?sea kale), but the stream-name is likely to have an ultimately pre-English origin Back to text
- 5
- The Calbourne Back to text