- : Sawyer 264, MS 1: London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 4
- : Uncertain (possibly Bedwyn)
- : Wiltshire
- : Little Bedwyn
- : 1
- Translation
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- Translation
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- Translation
- HeadwordText
- -1
- -[...]
- to
- a(Lat)ab
- the east
- oriensoriente
- the valley
- uallisuallem
- called
- uocouocatam
- ·
- cumin's | Cymen's2
- cymen | Cymen(persn)cymenes
- dean
- denudenu
- ·
- and
- etet
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- along
- in_longuminlongum
- .....ns3
- -[...]ns
- ..........nes4
- -[...]nes
- gate/gap
- geatgeat
- and
- etet
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- to
- in(Lat)i[n]
- the south
- africusaffricum
- turning
- uergouergens
- along
- in_longuminlongum
- the
- illeillius
- hedge
- septumsepti
- it heads
- tendotendit
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- ·
- Peada's
- Peadapeadan
- stile
- stigelstigele
- thence
- deindedeinde
- along
- perper
- that
- idemiddem
- s.....5
- -s[...]
- ·
- to
- in(Lat)in
- hay
- fileþefilið
- 'leah'/wood
- leah[l]e[a]ge
- ·
- the southern
- australisaustralem
- part
- parspartem
- thence
- indeinde
- along
- in_longuminlongum
- the aforementioned
- predicoprædicti
- hedge
- septumsepti
- to
- in(Lat)in
- a
- quidamquoddam
- ditch/dyke
- uallumuallum
- in
- in(Lat)in
- ·
- hare's | hoar
- hara | harharan
- dean6
- denudene
- ·
- and thus
- sic_quesicque
- ·
- along
- perper
- the
- hichoc
- ditch
- uallumuallum
- it extends
- pertingopertingit
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- the
- illeillum
- land
- agellusagellum
- which
- qui[qui]
- is called
- dicodicitur
- ·
- Tata's
- Tatatatan
- enclosure
- ediscedisc
- ·
- and
- etet
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- along
- perper
- the western
- occendentalisoccidental[em]
- part
- plagaplagam
- of that
- idemeiusdem
- land
- agellusagelli
- it lies/tends
- iaceoiacet
- towards
- in(Lat)in
- the
- illeillos
- tumuli
- tumulustumulos
- ......torum
- -[...]torum
- ·
- thence
- deindedeinde
- to
- in(Lat)in
- (the) Bedwyn7
- Bedwynbedeƿwindan
- ·
- and
- etet
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- along
- in_longuminlongum
- the
- illeillius
- thicket
- spinetumspineti
- to
- in(Lat)in
- horse
- horshors
- hollow
- healhel
- gate8
- geatget
- ·
- and
- etet
- straight on
- continuuscontinuo
- -
- -[...]
- raven's9
- hræfnhrames
- dean
- denudene
- gate
- geatgeate
- ·
- and
- etet
- along
- extendoextenso
- the path
- tramestramite
- of the
- idemeiusdem
- hedge
- septumsepti
- ·
- to
- toto
- hole/burrow
- hol1hol
- ridge
- hrycghrygc
- gate
- geatgete
- ·
- and
- etet
- by the same
- idemeodem
- hedge
- septum[septo]
- to
- to[to]
- heath
- hæþhad
- field
- feldfeld
- gate
- geatgeate
- ·
- and
- etet
- by the same
- idemeodem
- hedge
- septumsepto
- to
- toto
- badger's | beggar's10
- *bagga | *baggebaggan
- gate/gap
- geatgete
- ·
- and
- etet
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- to
- in(Lat)in
- the
- illeillud
- hedge
- septumseptum
- ·
- to
- toto
- broad
- bradbrad[an]
- leah/wood
- leahleage
- ·
- and it crosses
- transeo + -quetransit-que
- by that
- illeillo
- hedge
- septumsepto
- broad
- bradbradan
- leah/wood
- leahleage
- entering
- introintrans
- into
- in(Lat)in
- ·
- stone
- stanstan
- dean
- denudene
- ·
- and
- etet
- along
- in_longuminlongum
- it
- iseius
- to
- in(Lat)in
- a
- quidamquoddam
- ditch/dyke
- uallumuallum
- and by the
- is + -queeius-que
- ditch's
- uallumualli
- course
- seriesserie
- to
- in(Lat)in
- ·
- Putta's | kite's
- Putta(persn) | *puttaputtan
- corner/hollow11
- healhhealh
- ·
- and
- etet
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- along
- in_longuminlongum
- the dyke
- aggeraggeris
- to
- toto
- bulcan
- -bulcan
- pit
- pyttpytte
- ·
- and thence
- inde_queindeque
- along
- in_longuminlongum
- the valley12
- uallisuallis
- and
- etet
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- having crossed
- emetioremenso
- the space
- spatiumspatio
- of the street
- stratastratae
- to
- in(Lat)in
- a
- quidamquoddam
- stony
- petrosuspetrosum
- slope
- clifcliuum
- ·
- and
- etet
- from
- exex
- that
- iseo
- ·
- Baldwin's
- Baldwinbaldƿwines
- corner/nook
- healhhealh
- ·
- app......13
- -app[...]
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- to
- in(Lat)[in]
- a certain
- quidamquoddam
- ditch/dyke
- uallumuallum
- ·
- and by its
- is + -queeius-que
- path
- tramestramite
- going
- progrediorprogressum
- to
- in(Lat)in
- the
- illeillum
- ditch
- uallumuallem
- to
- a(Lat)[ab]
- the south
- austeraustro
- ·
- of bulcan
- -bulcan
- pit
- pyttpyttes
- ·
- and thus
- sic_quesicque
- along
- in_longuminlongum
- the ditch
- uallumualli
- going
- progrediorprogressa
- to
- in(Lat)in
- the
- illeilla
- old
- antiquusantiqua
- monuments
- monumentummonumenta
- ·
- to
- in(Lat)in
- the place
- locuslocum
- where
- ubiubi
- by
- a(Lat)a
- the inhabitants
- ruricolaruricolis
- is called
- dicodicitur
- ·
- 'at
- ætæt
- the
- seðam
- holly
- holegnholen
- stumps'
- stybbstypbum
- ·
- and thus
- sic_quesicque
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- the
- illeillos
- gallows
- gabalusgabulos
- ·
- along
- in_longuminlongum
- (the) boundary
- (ge)mæregemær
- way
- wegƿweges
- ·
- to
- toto
- woad
- wadƿwad
- barrow
- beorgbeorge
- ·
- and thus
- sic_quesicque
- from
- ofof
- woad
- wadƿwad
- barrow
- beorgb[eorge]
- to
- in(Lat)in
- the
- illeillum
- spring
- fonsfontem
- which
- quiqui
- is called
- dicodicitur
- frogs'
- froscforsca
- bourn
- burnaburna
- ·
- and
- etet
- its
- iseius
- from
- exex
- channel14
- alueusalueo
- it enters
- introintrat
- (the) Bedwyn
- Bedwynbedeƿwindan
- ·
- and thence
- inde_queindeque
- again
- item[it]em
- to
- in(Lat)in
- cumin's | Cymen's
- cymen | Cymen(persn)cymene[s]
- dean
- denu[den]e
- ·
- 1
- Damage, staining and fading make the manuscript entirely illegible in places; it is not clear how much (if anything) is missing at the beginning of the boundary clause as the missing text (space for about 30 characters) bridges the introductory clause ('Terminisque istis agellus ipse . xiii . manen . ' plus 2 clear minims.....) and the boundary Back to text
- 2
- 'cymen' may have originally referred to a native plant similar to cumin Back to text
- 3
- Probably 'vergens' (turning) Back to text
- 4
- 15 or so characters missing Back to text
- 5
- 'septum' (hedge)? Back to text
- 6
- There is a boundary for Bedwyn in S756 (L756.0), in the Abingdon archive, which has some points in common with this Back to text
- 7
- The river Bedwyn Back to text
- 8
- Cp. 'on hors heal gæt' in L756.0; the name survives in Horsehall (Hill) Back to text
- 9
- This is 'harmmes' (for 'hrammes') in L756.0; note that there are about 12 characters/spaces missing before this Back to text
- 10
- Although this may well be an otherwise unrecorded personal name Back to text
- 11
- The name survives in Puthall (Farm) Back to text
- 12
- Possibly in error for 'ualli' (ditch) Back to text
- 13
- About 16 characters missing; Birch reads 'appro......supremum .' which is not inconsistent with the remaining traces Back to text
- 14
- 'from its channel'; here, as throughout this word for word translation, the word-order needs re-jigging Back to text