- : Sawyer 230, MS 1, Boundary 1: London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 86
- : Canterbury, Christ Church
- : Sussex
- : Pagham lands
- : 3
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- These
- hicHæc
- are
- sum(Lat)sunt
- the lands
- territoriumterritoria
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- Pagham
- Paghampecganham
- pertaining
- pertineopertinentia
- First
- primitusprimitus
- to
- a(Lat)ab
- the west
- occidensoccidente
- Uedring1
- - + -inguedr-ing
- mouth
- muþamutha
- ·
- by
- perper
- that
- illeillum
- habour
- portusportum
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- the place
- locuslocum
- which
- quiqui
- is called
- dicodicitur
- hollow
- hol2holan
- bank
- ora1horan
- creek
- fleotfleot
- and
- etet
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- it leads
- ducoducitur
- to
- in(Lat)in
- long
- langlang
- town/market
- portport
- ·
- thence
- indeinde
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- the north
- aquiloaquilonem
- to
- toto
- unning
- - + -ingunn-ing
- land
- landlande
- ·
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- the east
- oriensorientem
- to
- onon
- the creek
- fleotfleot
- above
- supersuper
- that
- illeillud
- which
- quiquod
- is called
- dicodicitur
- inufes
- in + Ufiin-ufes
- ford
- fordford
- ·
- thence
- indeinde
- to
- in(Lat)in
- the place
- locuslocum
- which
- quiqui
- is called
- dicodicitur
- king's
- cyningcynges
- farm/concern/salt-works
- wicuuic
- ·
- and
- etet
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- the place
- locuslocum
- which
- quiqui
- is called
- dicodicitur
- long
- langlangan
- ploughed field
- erscersc
- ·
- thence
- indeinde
- to
- onon
- loxan
- -loxan
- 'leah'/wood
- leahleage
- ·
- and
- etet
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- to
- in(Lat)in
- the place
- locuslocum
- which
- quiqui
- is called
- dicodicitur
- bebbes
- -bebbes
- home-farm | water meadow
- ham | hammham
- ·
- thence
- indeinde
- to
- in(Lat)in
- the bridge
- ponspontem
- plank
- þelthel
- bridge2
- brycgbrycg
- ·
- and
- etet
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- the north
- aquiloaquilonem
- beside
- iuxtaiuxta
- the boggy
- palusterpalustria
- places
- locusloca
- ·
- over/above
- supersuper
- these
- hichæc
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- the place
- locuslocum
- which
- quiqui
- is called
- dicodicitur
- hylsan
- -hylsan
- drain/ditch
- seohtreseohtra
- and
- etet
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- the east
- oriensorientem
- to
- in(Lat)in
- Wærmund's
- Wærmunduuærmundes
- meadow3
- hammhamm
- ·
- hence
- hinchinc
- to
- in(Lat)in
- Wada's
- Wadauuadan
- tumulus/mound
- hlawhlæu
- ·
- from
- a(Lat)ab
- that
- illeillo
- place
- locusloco
- to
- in(Lat)in
- fish
- fiscfisc
- pool
- meremere
- ·
- and
- etet
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- to
- in(Lat)in
- Bryni's | brine's/salt-water's
- Bryni | brynebrynes
- creek
- fleotfleot
- ·
- and thus
- sic_quesicque
- it goes straight
- dirigodirigitur
- into
- in(Lat)in
- the sea
- maremare
- ·
- 1
- Withering (lost); an earlier name for Pagham Harbour Back to text
- 2
- Cp. 'to baberham . þanne to ðelbrycge' in S872 (L872.0 - bounds of Colworth in Oving from the Selsey archive) Back to text
- 3
- 'hamm' often refers to land lying within a river or stream bend Back to text