- : Sawyer 177, MS 1: London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 74
- : Canterbury, Christ Church
- : Kent
- : Kingsland («Cynincges cua lond»), lost, in Faversham hundred
- : 2
- Translation
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- To
- a(Lat)ab
- the east
- oriensoriente
- trench
- græfgrafon
- river1
- eaeah
- And
- etEt
- to
- a(Lat)ab
- the west
- occidensoccidente
- a
- unusunum
- channel
- fretumfretum
- which
- quiqui
- is called
- nominonominatur
- in our
- nosternostra
- particular
- propriuspropria
- language
- lingualingua
- boundary
- mearcmearc
- creek
- fleotfleot
- and
- and<7>
- Seleberhtincg [Seleberht + 's]
- Seleberht + -ingseleberht-incg
- land
- landlond
- And
- etEt
- to
- a(Lat)ab
- the south
- austeraustro
- the street
- stratastrata
- old
- antiquusantiqua
- which
- quiquae
- leads
- iaceoiacet
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- the port
- portusportum
- which
- quiquę
- is called
- dicodicitur
- Cilling [?spring/?gully | Cille's + place]
- *cille | Cille(persn) + -ingcill-incg
- 1
- The river which has given its name to Graveney Back to text