- : Sawyer 1579, MS 1: London, British Library, Add. 15667
- : Malmesbury
- : Wiltshire
- : Chelworth, near Crudwell
- : 2
- Translation
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- The boundaries
- terminusTermini
- of the land
- terraterre
- of
- dede
- Chelworth
- Chelworthchelewrthe
- ·
- First1
- in_primisInprimis
- from
- a(Lat)a
- the place
- locusloco
- which
- quiqui
- is called
- appelloappellatur
- priests'
- preostpreste
- pool
- meremere
- to
- usqueusque
- Braydon2
- BraydonBradene
- way
- wegweye
- ·
- And
- etEt
- from
- a(Lat)ab
- that
- idemeodem
- to
- usqueusque
- charcoal's
- col1coles
- 'leah'/wood3
- leahleye
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- from
- a(Lat)ab
- that
- illeillo
- place
- locusloco
- <!>
- as far as
- usqueusque
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- Dægberht's
- Dægberhtdeyburteh
- enclosure | hedge4
- (ge)hæg | hegeheye
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- to
- usqueusque
- grazing's
- etingetinges
- corner/hollow5
- healhhaele
- towards
- uersusuersus
- the south6
- meridiesmeridiem
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- from
- a(Lat)ab
- that
- idemeodem
- along
- perper
- wrthwe
- -wrthwe
- lane7
- lanelane
- towards
- uersusuersus
- the south
- meridiesmeridiem
- to
- usqueusque
- Eadbalding's
- Eadbald + -ingeadbeld-inges
- 'leah'/wood
- leahleye
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- to
- usqueusque
- Ceolla's
- Ceollachele
- farm8
- worþworþe
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- there
- ibiibi
- stands
- stostat
- a certain
- quidamquidam
- tree-trunk
- truncustruncus
- over
- ex_oppositoexopposito
- in
- inin
- the western
- occendentalisoccidentali
- part
- parsparte
- of
- dede
- the
- lela
- 'leah'/wood
- leahleye
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- from
- a(Lat)ab
- that
- idemeodem
- along
- perper
- the boundary-marker
- metametam
- towards
- uersusuersus
- the south
- meridiesmeridiem
- beyond
- ultraultra
- (the) wood
- boscumboscum
- as far as
- usqueusque
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- the ditch/dyke
- fossatumfossatum
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- along
- perper
- that
- illeillud
- ditch
- fossatumfossatum
- as far as
- usqueusque
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- the way
- uiauiam
- royal
- regiusregiam
- which
- quique
- goes
- tendotendit
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- Kemble
- Kemblekemele
- gate
- geatgete
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- as far as
- usqueusque
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- the thorn
- spinasp`i´nam
- which
- quique
- stands
- stostat
- below
- inferusinferius
- in
- inin
- the southern
- australisaustrali
- part
- parsparte
- of
- dede
- taenes
- -taenes
- dean
- denudene
- in
- inin
- the valley
- uallisualle
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- to
- usqueusque
- grazing's
- etingetinges
- hollow
- healhheale
- except
- preterpreter
- one
- unusunam
- acre
- æceracram
- ·
- Likewise
- itemItem
- ·
- twelve
- duodecimxii
- ·
- acres
- æceracre
- lie
- iaceoiacent
- on
- exex
- the side
- parsparte
- western
- occendentalisoccidentali
- of
- dede
- Kemble
- Kemblekemele
- gate
- geatgete
- which
- quique
- pertain
- pertineopertinent
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- Chelworth
- Chelworthcheleworthe
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- ·
- ten
- decemx
- ·
- acres
- æceracre
- which
- quique
- lie
- iaceoiacent
- in
- inin
- Cryseten9
- -Cryseten
- marsh
- mormore
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- ·
- six
- sexui
- ·
- in
- inin
- the valley
- uallisualle
- which
- quique
- is called
- appelloappellatur
- smaller
- læssalasse
- valley10
- dæl1dale
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- ·
- four
- quattuoriiii
- ·
- in
- inin
- the place
- locusloco
- which
- quiqui
- is called
- appelloappellatur
- mare
- -mare
- ·
- And
- etEt
- in
- inin
- the place
- locusloco
- which
- quiqui
- is called
- appelloappellatur
- detached11
- sundorsunder
- in
- inin
- the eastern
- orientalisorientali
- side
- parsparte
- of
- dede
- Crudwell
- Crudwellcruddewelle
- <!>
- lies
- iaceoiacet
- a certain
- quidamquedam
- small
- paruusparua
- land
- terraterra
- which
- quique
- indeed
- quidemquidem
- is
- sum(Lat)est
- common
- communiscommunis
- with
- cumcum
- the land
- terraterra
- of
- dede
- Crudwell
- Crudwellcruddewelle
- and
- and<7>
- the land
- terraterra
- of
- dede
- Eastcourt
- EastcourtEscote
- ·
- 1
- This boundary clause appears to be a reworking into Latin of an earlier (now lost) Old English text Back to text
- 2
- Apparently of pre-English origin (PNWilts, p. 11) Back to text
- 3
- Cp.'coles leie' in S1577 (L1577.1), bounds of Brokenborough, Wilts); but note that 'col(l)' also occurs as a stream-name and *coll (hill) cannot be absolutely ruled out Back to text
- 4
- Cp.'Deigetes heie' in L1577.1; the readings are both fairly corrupt and there's clearly doubt here Back to text
- 5
- Cp.'Etinge heles' in L1577.1) Back to text
- 6
- I.e. the southern part of 'etinges haele' Back to text
- 7
- Cp. 'wurwelane' in S1582 (L1582.0, bounds of Eastcourt); this late spelling may contain 'worth', 'well' and 'lane' but this itself may be a rationalisation of an earlier now mangled 'wyrtwalan' (woodbank) Back to text
- 8
- Chelworth (the name of this estate) Back to text
- 9
- Spelled 'Criseten' in MS 2 Back to text
- 10
- Cp. 'lasse dene' in S1585 (L1585.0, bounds of Norton) Back to text
- 11
- Cp. 'sunder hamme' in S1582 (L1582.0, bounds of Eastcourt) Back to text