- : Sawyer 114, MS 1: London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 4
- : Evesham
- : Gloucestershire
- : land near Salmonsbury in Bourton-on-the-Water
- : 1
- Translation
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- To
- a(Lat)ab
- the south
- austeraustro
- ,
- willow
- wiþiguuithig
- ford
- fordford
- ·
- as far as
- usqueusque
- to
- inin
- Wine's
- Wineƿwines
- fortification
- burhburg
- ·
- to
- a(Lat)ab
- the west
- occidensoccidente
- the valley
- uallis`uallis´
- which
- quiqui
- is called
- dicodicitur
- Turca
- -Turca
- dean (valley)1
- denudenu
- ·
- To
- a(Lat)Ab
- the north
- aquiloaquilone
- slough
- *slohtreslohtran
- ford2
- fordford
- ·
- to
- a(Lat)ab
- the east
- oriensoriente
- the river
- fluuiusfluuius
- above-named
- antenominoantenominatus
- Windrush
- Windrushuuęnrisc
- ,
- 1
- The valley of the river 'Turce' (surviving as Turkdean) Back to text
- 2
- The name has survived in (Lower) and (Upper) Slaughter, and the lost name Slaughterford Back to text