- : Sawyer 110, MS 1: London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 99
- : Canterbury, Christ Church
- : Kent
- : Higham Upshire
- : 4
- Translation
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- To
- a(Lat)a
- the west-north-west
- circiuscircio
- meadow
- mædmæd
- home farm | hemmed land1
- ham | hammham
- ·
- hence
- hinchinc
- by
- perper
- the boundaries
- confiniumconfinia
- of Oakleigh [oak + 'leah'/wood]
- ac + leahac-leage
- ·
- and
- etet
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- beside
- iuxtaiuxta
- water
- wæterƿwæter
- 'leah'/wood
- leahlea
- ·
- from there
- dehincdehinc
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- Colling [Coll + 's place]2
- Coll(persn) + -ingcoll-ing
- ·
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- along
- perper
- the way
- uiauiam
- which
- quiquæ
- leads
- ducoducit
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- eoh
- -eoh
- people's
- -ingasinga
- fortification
- burhburh
- to
- in(Lat)in
- the land
- terraterram
- of Saint
- sanctussancti
- Andrew
- Andrewandreę
- ·
- and
- etet
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- along
- perper
- the boundaries
- confiniumconfinia
- of marsh
- merscmersc
- farm
- tuntunes
- ·
- hence
- hinchinc
- it heads
- tendotenditur
- to
- ad(Lat)ad
- bull's
- *bulabulan
- home farm | hemmed land3
- ham | hammham
- ·
- and
- etet
- thus
- sic(Lat)sic
- to
- in(Lat)in
- boundary
- mearcmerc
- creek
- fleotfleot
- ·
- 1
- 'hamm' often refers to land hemmed in by a river or stream bend Back to text
- 2
- Coll is a personal name attested in PASE, but the name here may alternatively derive from a topographical feature whose derivation and meaning are unclear Back to text
- 3
- The name survives in the now lost Boleham (Marsh) Back to text