- : Sawyer 1033, MS 2, Boundary 2: Canterbury, D.C., Chart. Ant. R 51
- : Rouen, St Mary's
- : Devon
- : boundary between Wiggaton and Ottery
- : 3
- Translation
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- Here
- herher
- is
- beonis
- the
- seseo
- land-boundary
- landscearulandscoru
- of Wicginc1
- Wiggatonƿwicginc
- land
- landlandes
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- Ottery
- Otteryotrig
- land
- landlanndes
- ·
- First
- ærestÆrest
- from
- ofof
- land-boundary
- landscearulandscor
- hedge
- hegehege
- ·
- to
- onon
- land-boundary
- landscearulandscor
- brook
- brocbroc
- ·
- thence
- þanonðanon
- to
- onon
- (the) Otter2
- oter + eaotr-ig
- ·
- and
- and<7>
- then
- þonneþonne
- down
- adunadun
- in
- onon
- (the) stream
- streamstream
- as far as
- oþoð
- rean3
- -rean
- cliff/slope
- clifclif
- ·
- thence
- þanonþanon
- as far as
- oþoð
- heath
- hæþhæð
- pen/enclosure
- pennpen
- southward (the southern part)
- suþeweardsuþeƿwardne
- to
- onon
- the
- seþone
- hollow
- hol2holan
- stump
- stoccstoc
- ·
- thence
- þanonþanon
- to
- onon
- Bigwulf's
- Bigwulfbigulfes
- fortification | barrow
- burh | beorgburh
- ·
- southward (the southern part)
- suþeweardsuþeƿw`e´arde
- from
- ofof
- Bigwulf's
- Bigwulfbigulfes
- barrow | fortification4
- beorg | burhborh
- to
- onon
- seat/dwelling
- setlsetl
- thorn
- þornþorn
- ·
- thence
- þanonþanon
- to
- onon
- black | white/shining
- blæc | blacblacan
- down (hill)
- dundune
- northward (the northern part)
- norþeweardnorðanƿwearde
- ·
- to
- onon
- (the) highway/military route
- herepæþherpoð
- to
- toto
- street
- strætstræt
- gate/gap
- geatgete
- ·
- 1
- I.e. Wiggaton Back to text
- 2
- The river Otter Back to text
- 3
- There are 'rægen ðornas' mentioned in L1033.1, but the form 'rean' here appears unrelated Back to text
- 4
- The first instance 'burh' with the feminine ending on the 'suþewearde' suggests 'burh' (fortification), but the second form 'borh' suggests that this may be 'beorg'; this is taken in EPNS Devon as referring to Belbury Castle and the first element as representing 'Beowulf'; this may or may not be the case Back to text