- : Sawyer 909, MS 3, Boundary 3: London, TNA C 53/99 (olim PRO Ch.R. 6 Edw. II)
- : Oxford, St Frideswide's
- : Oxfordshire
- : Cowley
- : 5
Ðis sondon þara þreora hida langemara into couelea
of cere-ƿwilla bricga andglang stræmes1 on þa riþig , ƿwid hacel-inges crofte andglang rightes estƿward <ŧ> hit comæ into ofran furlange <ŧ> scyt upp nordƿwerd to hƿwet furlanges heafde , of þam hefde on þat riþig eastƿweard to mer higte , of þam hƿwge into þam broce , of dam broce to den acere , of þam aceron into hocce mære , of þam mere into Gifete lea of gifete lea into þam broce , of þam broce eft into cere-ƿwillan ·
- 1
- MS reads: stræmer