- : Sawyer 663, MS 1: London, British Library, Cotton Claudius B. vi
- : Abingdon
- : Berkshire
- : Hinksey, Seacourt and Wytham
- : 2
Ðis sindon þa landgemæro þæs gebur landes to abbendune <ŧ> is gadertang on þreo genamod <ŧ> is hengestesig · <7> seofocanƿwyrð · <7> ƿwihtham ·
ærest on meagðe ford <ŧ> mid streame on stan ford · forð mid streame ƿwiþutan cytan igge on þa land lace of þære lace on scæcyl-ing æcer <ŧ> on hi ƿwege to yfemestan leage þæt on preosta le`a´ge <ŧ> to cat leage <ŧ> to cybban stane of þæm stane on þa þrio gemæru ðaet innan ruƿwan leage to brogan gete <ŧ> to sundran edisce on þone greatan þorn of þan þorne on cotan healas <ŧ> on tiddan cumb of þæn cumbe on tetan hylle of tytan hylle to þaen heafod ƿwege ondlong cumbes to þæm hecce of þam hæcce to paþe stocce <ŧ> to plum leage <ŧ> on friþela byr`i´g ðæt to ydyr leage of ydyr leage to þam stane <ŧ> on temese æt eanflæde gelade þæ a mid streame <ŧ> hit cimeð eft on mægþa ford ·