- : Sawyer 605, MS 3: London, British Library, Cotton Claudius B. vi
- : Abingdon
- : Berkshire
- : Abingdon [2]
- : 4
Ærest on temese besuþan ford ƿwere þær up on þa dic on eccenes gærstun suðeƿwearde þonne onlang dic to eoccen ondlang eoccenes to abbodes dic ondlang dic to cealdan ƿwulle · of cealdan ƿwylle on þæt risc slæd middeƿwearde oð torhtƿwoldes mor þæt þær on þa dic onlang dic to mearc forda þonne op onlang broces oð hyt cymþ toemnes þam ealdan læg hrycge þonne ongeryhte betƿweoh potteles treƿw on þone ellen styb ðaet þær on ƿwudu ford on sunninga ƿwyllæs broc onlang broces to dunnan forda ðæt þær on þæt ƿwiðig bed þonne on þonne healfan aecer norðeƿwearde þonne andlang fyrh to þon heafdon þæt þær suð ofer ðone healfan æcer þæt þær east on þa furh þæt to ðam scortan lande þær on þone heaþenan byrgels þonne þær on þa seofon æceras ƿwesteƿwearde · þæt ðær no`r´ð to lippan dic · `<7>lang dic´ ðurh sucgan graf þæt on ðone ellen styb · þonne on þæ brembel þyrnan · on þa dic ondlang dic to horo pytte · þonne þurh madoces leah on þæ ealdan dic · þonne on þa æcer dic · þonne on hæsel dic · of hæsel dic on þone gemær ƿweg · on bægan ƿwyrðe onlang ƿweges <!> to hig ƿwege · onlang hig ƿweges to ecgunes ƿwyrðe · þonne on bacgan leah þæt a be ƿwyrtƿwalan þæt on bacgan broc · of bacgan broce on hafoces oran · ondlang þæs gemaer hagan þæt ut on rige ƿwyrðe ƿwesteƿweardne on þæ ealdan dic · þonne ondlang dic to per hangran þonne on ƿwulfrices broc · þonne ongerihte ofer hyrdy ige to þan greatan ƿwelige þæt þær ut on temese · þonne onlang temese þæt eft on occenes gærstun dic suðeƿweardne ·
Ðis syndon þæs londes gemæro to abbandune þe eadƿwig cyning syleð gode to lofe in te þam mynster ond him sylfum to eccere are ·