• : Sawyer 501, MS 4: London, TNA C 53/113 (olim PRO Ch.R. 20 Edw. II)
  • : Canterbury, St Augustine's
  • : Kent
  • : Sibertswold
  • : 8

Of1 cymes-ing on otyunes hyldan ufeƿwyrde <7>lang ricges oð da stret nider <7>Lang strete <7> sya norð on agg-int beorgas of hagg-ing beorgan on brynes sole of brynes sole <7>lang col-red-inga gemercan oð helfes dene oð helfes dene oð leccan æcer oð leccan æcere oð yutham , ut on ðone felð oð bealdes sol of bealdes sole ƿwest oð scylf-ing , on ðone kaleƿwan stoce of ðam kaleyan stocce on beo dune oð ðone ealdan ƿweg <7>lang ƿweges eft ong cymes-yng


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