- : Sawyer 432, MS 1: Petworth House Archives 11601
- : Athelney
- : Somerset
- : (East) Lyng
- : 2
Erst On tan unto Gor lake þanne to byken stile · fram þat stile to þe whit stone thans unto þe Olde diche fram thulke diche to Depe broke In þe olde diche place þanne to þe fiue acres fram þe fiue acres to Hundes lawe and swo adoun to þe slo and fram þe slo to Risel heie þannes to what combes heye and so adoun to þe Olde here worthe and þennes to Brode mersshe to þe Red diche endelang þe diche anon to þe Inrek fram thennes to Priuetes mores hed · fram Priuetes mores hed anon to þe middel of Pruuetes bruge and thennes endelong est more anon to þresk wolde and þennes to ask lake fram ask lake unto þe olde1 lake up into chester lake and unto Tote yyete fram Tote yete to hengest weere fram hengest were unto horn were fram horn were to shir woldes lode fram shir woldes lode eftsones into Gor lake
- 1
- MS reads: ode