- : Sawyer 418, MS 2: London, British Library, Add. 82931
- : Winchester, New Minster
- : Hampshire
- : North Stoneham
- : 3
Begyn fyrst on Swathelyng ford westward to smere brockys forde · and thanne westward along the lawepathes to thrum brokys elme and so forth along the wey by suthgates lewe for to thu comyst to the fowr grete trees · Than north along the lawepathys to gytherykys welle and so forth alonge the weys fort me comyth to fern bedde · Than est on the slade for to me comyth to hol brok · Fro thennis north alonge hol brok to the sand pittys · Than to byr wey fort me comyth to kyt brokys elme · and so along the brokys for to me comyth to yppynge hamme · Than suth by efysch to the slade that schetyth to Mern brok along the brokys for to me comyth to werg ford · than forth ryht to este lee · suthward · and thanne north so as the hegge drawyth to barn lee northward · Than north for to me comyth to fotythn ek and so sichith alonge the strete for to me comyth to grene lee and than by est and suth for to me comyth to kyngys dyche and than along the dyche to the bye upgoynge agenst Muchelyng mede northwarde up to Ichene and than as Ichen goth for to hit comyth byfore agen herdwellys elme · Than west to the schort thorn · and than suth to the lawepathe that lyth to mannys brygge · and so west alonge the lawepathys to Swethelyng forde
and the hyrddys mede of wotheryng and nyne akrys al by northe gen asche and a mylle place by northe Mannys brygge ·