• : Sawyer 411, MS 4, Boundary 1: London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius D. vii
  • : Abingdon
  • : Berkshire
  • : Farnborough
  • : 3

[..........]dan ða landgemæro ðe to fearn beorgan gebyriað

[..........] beorge ƿwest on ƿweg to ðam stanum of ðam [..........] on ðone ƿweg oð ða andheafda · of ðam andhe[..........................] to ðære dic · be norðan stod[..........................] be eastan [..................................................]1 ðonne forð to ðam hƿwitan ƿwege to ðam haran ðornan ðonne of ðam [...]tan ƿwege on fearn beorg


Several lines of text are missing at the bottom of the page due to fire damage (this sections in square brackets suggesting the number of missing characters has been editorially cut; the number of characters is roughly eight times the number of dots)