- : Sawyer 379, MS 2: London, British Library, Add. 82931
- : Winchester, New Minster
- : Wiltshire
- : Collingbourne Kingston
- : 6
Fyrst begynne fortene gerde bynethe the pytte · than fro coll-yng-burn west up to hethen byryell · fro thennys anone to the schort dyche than to scheld crundle than to prest lyp · fro thennys along the grene dene to fox hole westward · than to brad byge · than to pley hyll · fro thennys to wylbers tan · so forth all lawpathes and dwnes ther abute anone to gutheredys burw northward than to pendys klyf · than anone to bler hyll · fro thennys to the swelgende than to ebyng of crundele · fro thennys to scher lync · than est to the thre akerys and haue hem thre · fro thennys to the wel of collyng born ·